L.A Writers Day 2018 Recap: How Author Charlotte Offsay “Leveled Up”

Click here to read my article for SCBWI’s Kite Tales website on SCBWI’s L.A Writers Day 2018.

Kite Tales

By Charlotte Offsay, Author

WD2018-Offsay1My heart skipped a beat as I dashed in from the rain and joined swarms of writers checking in for SCBWI’s annual L.A Writers Day conference at the Skirball Cultural Center on March 3. As I gazed around the beautiful glass foyer, old friends embraced. Before I could wonder where to stand, friendly SCBWI volunteers and two other conference newbies greeted me.

My new writer friends and I made our way into a packed auditorium and looked over our schedules. Each event seemed more exciting than the next: keynote speeches, breakout sessions with agents, editors and authors, a book fair, pitch sessions, contests and prizes.

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